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[SQL, QuickSight] 누적일 비교 쿼리문 (전 월 누적일, 전 년 동 월 누적일)

by marketinkerbell 2022. 9. 20.

AWS QuickSight 에서 데이터 시각화 하기 위해 작성한 상세 쿼리문 공유합니다. 

테이블명, 컬럼명은 DB 마다 다르겠지만 어떻게 쿼리문이 작성 되는지 살펴보시면 도움 되실거에요 




퀵사이트 기본 사용 방법은 이 곳에서 👉   1. 데이터세트 생성하기

                                                            👉    2. 분석, 대시보드 만들기



1.  전 월 누적일 비교 표 (전 월 동기간)

     - MTD 와 전 월 동일 기간 비교 




SELECT visit.month
, gl_visit
, gl_order
, gl_total_price
, gl_total_price * (SELECT data FROM "s2_s2_api_currency_cms" WHERE currency = 'USD' ORDER BY db_date desc limit 1) AS "gl_total_price(KRW)"
, gl_customer_transaction
((SELECT LEFT(vi_date,7) AS month
,COUNT(DISTINCT vi_ip) AS gl_visit
FROM "s2_g5_visit"  
WHERE vi_date >= LEFT(current_date,7)+'-01' OR vi_date < DATE(ADD_MONTHS(current_date,-1)) AND vi_date BETWEEN LEFT(ADD_MONTHS(current_date,-1),7)+'-01' AND 'current_date'
AND LEFT(vi_ip,9) !='42.49.180' 
GROUP BY LEFT(vi_date,7)
ORDER BY month ASC) AS visit


(SELECT LEFT(od_receipt_time,7) AS month
,COUNT(*) AS gl_order
,sum((od_cart_price - od_receipt_point - od_coupon) + (od_send_cost + od_send_cost2) - od_refund_price) AS gl_total_price
,sum((od_cart_price - od_receipt_point - od_coupon) + (od_send_cost + od_send_cost2) - od_refund_price)/COUNT(*) AS gl_customer_transaction
FROM "s2_g5_shop_order" 
WHERE LEFT(od_receipt_time,10) >= LEFT(current_date,7)+'-01' OR LEFT(od_receipt_time,10) < DATE(ADD_MONTHS(current_date,-1)) AND LEFT(od_receipt_time,10) BETWEEN LEFT(ADD_MONTHS(current_date,-1),7)+'-01' AND 'current_date' AND od_status IN ('입금','준비','배송','완료') 
GROUP BY LEFT(od_receipt_time,7)
ORDER BY month ASC) AS price
ON visit.month = price.month)

GROUP BY visit.month, gl_visit, gl_order, gl_total_price, "gl_total_price(KRW)", gl_customer_transaction
ORDER BY visit.month ASC






2.   전 월 누적일 그래프_방문 (전 월 동기간 비교 그래프)

       - MTD 와 전 월 동일 기간 비교 




SELECT this_month.day, this_month_visit, this_month_sum, last_month_visit, last_month_sum
((SELECT RIGHT(LEFT(vi_date,10),2) AS day
,COUNT(DISTINCT vi_ip) AS this_month_visit
,SUM(this_month_visit) over (order by day rows unbounded preceding) AS this_month_sum
FROM "s2_g5_visit"  
WHERE vi_date BETWEEN LEFT(current_date,7)+'-01' AND 'current_date'
AND LEFT(vi_ip,9) !='42.49.180' 
GROUP BY RIGHT(LEFT(vi_date,10),2)
ORDER BY day ASC) AS this_month


(SELECT RIGHT(LEFT(vi_date,10),2) AS day
,COUNT(DISTINCT vi_ip) AS last_month_visit
,SUM(last_month_visit) over (order by day rows unbounded preceding) AS last_month_sum
FROM "s2_g5_visit"  
WHERE vi_date BETWEEN LEFT(ADD_MONTHS(current_date,-1),7)+'-01' AND DATE(ADD_MONTHS(current_date,-1))
AND LEFT(vi_ip,9) !='42.49.180' 
GROUP BY RIGHT(LEFT(vi_date,10),2)
ORDER BY day ASC) AS last_month

ON this_month.day = last_month.day)

GROUP BY this_month.day, this_month_visit, this_month_sum, last_month_visit, last_month_sum
ORDER BY this_month.day











3. 전 월 누적일 그래프_주문 (전 월 동기간 주문 비교 그래프)




SELECT this_month.day, this_month_order, this_month_order_sum, this_month_total_price, this_month_total_price_sum, this_month_customer_transaction, last_month_order, last_month_order_sum, last_month_total_price, last_month_total_price_sum, last_month_customer_transaction
((SELECT RIGHT(LEFT(od_receipt_time,10),2) AS day
,COUNT(*) AS this_month_order
,sum(this_month_order) over (order by day rows unbounded preceding) AS this_month_order_sum
,sum((od_cart_price - od_receipt_point - od_coupon) + (od_send_cost + od_send_cost2) - od_refund_price) AS this_month_total_price
,sum(this_month_total_price) over (order by day rows unbounded preceding) AS this_month_total_price_sum
,sum((od_cart_price - od_receipt_point - od_coupon) + (od_send_cost + od_send_cost2) - od_refund_price)/COUNT(*) AS this_month_customer_transaction
FROM "s2_g5_shop_order" 
WHERE LEFT(od_receipt_time,10) BETWEEN LEFT(current_date,7)+'-01' AND 'current_date' AND od_status IN ('입금','준비','배송','완료') 
GROUP BY RIGHT(LEFT(od_receipt_time,10),2)
ORDER BY day ASC) AS this_month

(SELECT RIGHT(LEFT(od_receipt_time,10),2) AS day
,COUNT(*) AS last_month_order
,sum(last_month_order) over (order by day rows unbounded preceding) AS last_month_order_sum
,sum((od_cart_price - od_receipt_point - od_coupon) + (od_send_cost + od_send_cost2) - od_refund_price) AS last_month_total_price
,sum(last_month_total_price) over (order by day rows unbounded preceding) AS last_month_total_price_sum
,sum((od_cart_price - od_receipt_point - od_coupon) + (od_send_cost + od_send_cost2) - od_refund_price)/COUNT(*) AS last_month_customer_transaction
FROM "s2_g5_shop_order" 
WHERE LEFT(od_receipt_time,10) BETWEEN LEFT(ADD_MONTHS(current_date,-1),7)+'-01' AND DATE(ADD_MONTHS(current_date,-1)) AND od_status IN ('입금','준비','배송','완료') 
GROUP BY RIGHT(LEFT(od_receipt_time,10),2)
ORDER BY day ASC) AS last_month
ON this_month.day = last_month.day)

GROUP BY this_month.day, this_month_order, this_month_order_sum, this_month_total_price, this_month_total_price_sum, this_month_customer_transaction, last_month_order, last_month_order_sum, last_month_total_price, last_month_total_price_sum, last_month_customer_transaction
ORDER BY this_month.day ASC








4. 전 년 동월 누적일 비교 표 (전 년 동월 동일 기간)




(방문 데이터 누적 안 되어 있어서 주문만 뽑음)


SELECT month
, gl_order
, gl_total_price
, gl_total_price * (SELECT data FROM "s2_s2_api_currency_cms" WHERE currency = 'USD' ORDER BY db_date desc limit 1) AS "gl_total_price(KRW)"
, gl_customer_transaction
(SELECT LEFT(od_receipt_time,7) AS month
,COUNT(*) AS gl_order
,sum((od_cart_price - od_receipt_point - od_coupon) + (od_send_cost + od_send_cost2) - od_refund_price) AS gl_total_price
,sum((od_cart_price - od_receipt_point - od_coupon) + (od_send_cost + od_send_cost2) - od_refund_price)/COUNT(*) AS gl_customer_transaction --객단가
FROM "s2_g5_shop_order" 
WHERE LEFT(od_receipt_time,10) >= LEFT(current_date,7)+'-01'       
  OR LEFT(od_receipt_time,10) < DATE(ADD_MONTHS(current_date,-12)) 
  AND LEFT(od_receipt_time,10) BETWEEN LEFT(ADD_MONTHS(current_date,-12),7)+'-01' AND 'current_date'  
  AND od_status IN ('입금','준비','배송','완료') 
GROUP BY LEFT(od_receipt_time,7)










5. 전 년 누적일 그래프_주문 (전 년 동 월 동일 기간 비교 그래프)



SELECT this_month.day, this_month_order, this_month_order_sum, this_month_total_price, this_month_total_price_sum, this_month_customer_transaction, last_month_order, last_month_order_sum, last_month_total_price, last_month_total_price_sum, last_month_customer_transaction
((SELECT RIGHT(LEFT(od_receipt_time,10),2) AS day
,COUNT(*) AS this_month_order
,sum(this_month_order) over (order by day rows unbounded preceding) AS this_month_order_sum
,sum((od_cart_price - od_receipt_point - od_coupon) + (od_send_cost + od_send_cost2) - od_refund_price) AS this_month_total_price
,sum(this_month_total_price) over (order by day rows unbounded preceding) AS this_month_total_price_sum
,sum((od_cart_price - od_receipt_point - od_coupon) + (od_send_cost + od_send_cost2) - od_refund_price)/COUNT(*) AS this_month_customer_transaction
FROM "s2_g5_shop_order" 
WHERE LEFT(od_receipt_time,10) BETWEEN LEFT(current_date,7)+'-01' AND 'current_date' AND od_status IN ('입금','준비','배송','완료') 
GROUP BY RIGHT(LEFT(od_receipt_time,10),2)
ORDER BY day ASC) AS this_month

(SELECT RIGHT(LEFT(od_receipt_time,10),2) AS day
,COUNT(*) AS last_month_order
,sum(last_month_order) over (order by day rows unbounded preceding) AS last_month_order_sum
,sum((od_cart_price - od_receipt_point - od_coupon) + (od_send_cost + od_send_cost2) - od_refund_price) AS last_month_total_price
,sum(last_month_total_price) over (order by day rows unbounded preceding) AS last_month_total_price_sum
,sum((od_cart_price - od_receipt_point - od_coupon) + (od_send_cost + od_send_cost2) - od_refund_price)/COUNT(*) AS last_month_customer_transaction
FROM "s2_g5_shop_order" 
WHERE LEFT(od_receipt_time,10) BETWEEN LEFT(ADD_MONTHS(current_date,-12),7)+'-01' AND DATE(ADD_MONTHS(current_date,-12)) AND od_status IN ('입금','준비','배송','완료') 
GROUP BY RIGHT(LEFT(od_receipt_time,10),2)
ORDER BY day ASC) AS last_month
ON this_month.day = last_month.day)

GROUP BY this_month.day, this_month_order, this_month_order_sum, this_month_total_price, this_month_total_price_sum, this_month_customer_transaction, last_month_order, last_month_order_sum, last_month_total_price, last_month_total_price_sum, last_month_customer_transaction
ORDER BY this_month.day ASC






